Tuesday, December 23, 2014

6 Typefaces

This is a slab serif typeface and it used to advertise. I found it on a magazine. I do not feel the type faced is the best choice because it looked very plain. Because it is a "luxury" there should be a more luxurious type rather than slab serif. But, it is appropriate because thinking in perspective, simple typefaces on the cover would not crowd and overwhelm the reader.  I also noticed that under the slab serif typeface is the sans serif typeface.

This is a sans serif typeface and it is a brand near my school. Like the first example, the logo is very clean-cut which is suitable for the products it is selling. SAFAR aims towards business men who have clean and simple looks, like the sans serif, There is nothing excess sticking out but plain and simple.

This is a modern typeface and it is a brand. It was in a magazine perfume sample. The typeface is very suitable for the purpose especially because it is for a high-end brand. The typeface used as a brand is very eye catching because of the thick and thins of the letters. This adds to the high class sense of the perfume being sold.

This is an old-style typeface and it is the the name of an organization. I found it on my library card. It is appropriate for its purpose because it is legible. As a large organization, the typeface suggests how old the library system is. The website, www.nypl.org,is in sans serif to create a straightforward, easy to read website.

This is a decorative typeface and it is the name of a store I saw near school. It is appropriate for the purpose because it is not a high class store. With round and fun letters, it attracts everyone/ average citizens to enter. I noticed that under "flavors" are the san serif typeface. Contrasting with the store name, it acts as a general description to what the store's goals are.

This is a script typeface and it is the name of a company. I found this in my wallet(card). It is appropriate for the brand and card because it makes the company and chocolate look very elegant. I noticed there was also the sans serif typeface which like the logo before acts as a description to the store and what the card is for.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Club Logos Concept Board

Club Questions

1)what is the purpose of vocal club?/what does the club in intend to provide?
2)what symbol or idea do you think is the best representation of the club?
3)what is your favorite part of the club?
4)Who can join? Any past experience needed?
5)what message do you hope to send with vocal club?
6)what are the goals of the club?

The purpose of vocal club is create a safe environment for the student body to express themselves through singing. Its goal is to provide a stress-free area, so at the end of academics students can go to vocal club to release stress. There is not experience needed. Students must have interest in singing because members are sincerely intrigued by vocal music. This is not to say that the club is limited to what students can do as  long as it is related to singing. What makes vocal club different is that it is not competitive, rather over time, there are is friendships created. Symbols that most represent the club are the microphone and music notes because with the goal of performing at the showcase, microphone symbolizes the we intend to come in contact with to perform. A music note represent music, it does not have to be instrumental but also vocal because like the high and low notes of instruments there are high and low notes of the vocals. There is not favorite part of the because the club as a whole is the favorite club. Moments include sing ing a song like "Lean On Me" as a group as well as singing to the club and receiving feedback. Both strengthens the connections we have. Overall, as a club we want the school to know that if you are interested in singing and want to share your talent or just have a good time singing, vocal cub is the right place to go, for it is a no-judgement area; feedback we offer to song performances are critical but non-judgmental. Dont' worry, ff you mess up, we encourage you to go on!

What's my Typeface?

I think this typeface represents me because it is simple yet kind of quirky which is similar to my personality. I like simple things in life and like my work and life organized. This font is upright and created a sense of organization because it can clean and straight edges. However, specific letters like the "g," "e," "f," and "k," illustrates the quirkiness in the font because it is unusual. I feel like these two aspects of the type integrates well with my personality. ;)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Logos I Like

The logo to the left is the album color of a korean band, Big Bang. I find this clever because they have always been an edgy group with a very strong color blocking style. In the album there is also a theme of snow. The local displays the edginess of the group with sharp corners of the logo and contrasting colors. The theme of winter/snow is displayed the the stone like back ground and blue log on top because together it seems "stone cold." In the album, each song has a separate logo, one being Fantastic Baby(right). Big Bang was able to maintain its edgy and color blocking style which I really like.I like this logo because it is able to incorporate its ideas into the organization's name. This emblem logo includes symbols/pictures that represent "motion" which I find really clever. The contrast between bright pink and white is very simplistic, putting focus on the actual logo. Not only is the name unique but the logo is unique as well.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Portrait Transformation


I started with the image of the subject and changed its dimensions and ppi. Then I added many layer masks(curves) to achieve the effect of natural lighting shining on her right side. I also made her left side dark to create the contrast. Then I used the the magnetic lasso tool (adding to and subtracting from selection) to cut her out of the original. After finding the background picture, I decided I needed other adjustments like changing the brightness. I copied and pasted the cut out image/subject onto the background and changed her size, opacity to erase her and made it seem like she is hiding. I repeated this four more times.
My concept is nature and becoming part of nature. The peekaboo action was meant to make nature look fun. The subject is really comfortable in nature and therefore is sort of playing hide and go seek with the audience. Her size does not overpower the background image, therefore not taking away it influence. Her being encompassed in grass and trees makes the environment seem very friendly and welcoming.